Mike McElroy RIP

It is with profound sadness that I have to report that Mike McElroy passed away on May 8th after his cancer took a major turn for the worst.  I was surprised and grateful when, despite being ill, Michael agreed to be our treasurer at the January AGM.  It is with great regret that he was taken away so soon.  Mike and Pam were an marvellous inter-church family, bringing new perspectives and life to the churches they attended.   I discovered Mike late as a friend I wished I had met years earlier.  Mike was a man of great integrity, strength, courage and gentleness.  His heart was so firmly in the right place and his intellect always at the service of the Lord and humanity.   Our prayers are with his wife Pam and daughter Sue, whose lives shine with the same light that we received from Mike.   A Requiem Eucharist at St Mary’s on Sunday 3rd June was followed by a funeral in the Lady Chapel at the Abbey on Monday.  Both were deep and moving , glorifying God and drawing us all closer together in the family of God.  I miss you Mike.  Rest in Peace.


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