Live Simply

Survive the Winter – Save the Planet

If we can live more simply, we can survive, and help others in  what looks to be a very challenging winter.  Further, the changes we make, if we can sustain them will help to save the planet.  This was the thinking behind the recent CTSA Autumn Forum with input from Mike Berners-Lee.  One of the key ideas coming out of the forum was the need for warm spaces.  We will update this page with fresh ideas.

Keeping Warm

Excellent blog and booklet on what you can do to stay warm available here

Warm Spaces

Churches can help provide warm spaces.  We are providing a register of churches with warm spacers here at

.It makes sense for churches to also work with local authorities and add their churches to a wider register.  Martin Lewis, the financial advisor has written a document to help people who wish to provide warm spaces.  You can download his document here:  a_warm_welcome_2022

The Church Works Commission is an ecumenical response to Covid-19 which is adapting to help with warm spaces.

Hertfordshire’s County Council and ten district and borough councils have launched a directory of public spaces and buildings which people can use as warm, welcoming spaces as temperatures drop.

The directory, at helps people find local libraries, family centres and community spaces where they can stay safe and warm. Many will also run additional activities giving people the opportunity to meet others and take part in events such as slipper swaps for older people in libraries and stay and play events in family centres for those with young children.

In addition to the directory, a Warm Herts Fund grant has been established, offering Grants of up to £2,000 to groups who are able to provide a warm place for local people to take a break from the cold and connect with others during the winter months. Your warm space could be set up specifically to help people this winter, or an existing service you are extending to help more people.

In particular the funding is to support groups welcoming those who are vulnerable or have been affected by the rising cost-of-living. We encourage groups to provide free Warm Spaces, accessible by all communities in Hertfordshire.

Applications are welcome from charities, community and voluntary groups and not for profit organisations.  For details visit

Forum Notes

Introduction by Mike Berners-Lee

Buy less stuff – do you need it, can you share it?

  • Avoid temptation: watch fewer adverts
  • Repair and reuse
    • Sustainable St Albans are great but could do with getting the word out and organization of venues

Save Fuel – Don’t drive: bike, pub trans, slow down.  Drive slower

Keeping Warm

At home – lower temperature, heat few rooms, eliminate drafts

Warm Spaces – Need to coordinate

–          CTSA can do web page of warm spaces – where and when

–          Old people need especially warm spaces

–          Central churches such as S.A. could do with financial support to be open more

Food – less meat and dairy, less waste

  • Oleo food waste app helps you find supermarket etc food which is going to waste
  • Wormery puts food waste to good use.

Surviving Winter

Oats are key along with fresh veg and fruit

Warm spaces – suggested we show churches offering warm spaces on our website see above


Follow Up

Please email peter (at) if you would like to follow up on this.
