Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Each year from 18th to 25th January is a week (or octave) of prayer for Christian unity.  It’s a response to Jesus’ prayer that we may be one.  There are a number of ways in which you can get involved.

Service of Prayer for Christian Unity

Come to our Unity Service.  During the pandemic it will be online.  Come and worship with Christians from other churches.

Candle Exchange

Your church could swap candles with a nearby church as a gesture of friendship and unity.

A group from one church attend the other with a candle.  At some point they come forward and the candle is lit together with a candle from the home church.  Then do the same with roles reversed.

Parishioners from SS Alban Stephen RC Church and Trinity URC joined each others services and swapped candles. It was a very warm and uplifting experience 😶

Visit Another Church

There are 30 different churches in St Albans.  Why not visit a different bone and see how other christians do things?

There is a list of churches with a map here.  Many can be visited online.

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