No Planet B Follow Up

A big thank you to Tom Hill for a brilliant presentation!

The video will be at the link below and will be available shortly

Video: watch here

Tom recommends the following link to help with an action plan

Sustainable St Albans also think this is a great resource.

See this great Sustainability page.

Luton Airport Expansion – petition

LUTON AIRPORT is planning to build a new terminal building and double the number of flights.

Please respond to the consultation here:

It is quite lengthy, but it is not necessary to answer every question.  Refer to the national and global need to reduce carbon, the new phenomenon of “flight guilt”, how this and political change will likely leave them high and dry if they go ahead.  How they can win support by being a good steward of the world’s resources and promoting sustainable travel, not going for maximum growth.

Send a message in a bottle to Coca Cola! 

They have been named the worst offender for distributing plastic bottles in the majority world. In nations where there is no facility for recycling, people just have to live with the rubbish.  Tearfund have devised a creative response:  

Sustainable St Albans

If people are interested in becoming more informed on the climate emergency and on addressing it themselves and within their organisations/groups, I recommend looking at the Carbon Literacy Awareness Training Programme. Sustainable St Albans is running courses in it. The session on the 8th November is fully booked but you can email Sustainable St Albans for details of forthcoming sessions:

to get the newsletter.

Thermal Imaging

Would your church be interested in using Sustainable St Albans’

thermal imaging camera to investigate heat losses and address energy saving in the buildings. I can supply further details of this free service if this would be helpful. You may have seen the exhibition at St Stephen’s church at the Sustainability Festival in May from when they conducted their survey with the thermal camera last winter. This autumn, the camera has been used to investigate heat loss from St Saviours Church. They would be happy to answer any questions about their investigation.

Caroline Penn is willing to hold a free training session for a group of interested people to use the thermal imaging camera to investigate heat loss in their homes too.

Sustainability Festival

Please could you also consider what your church might do during the Sustainability Festival next year: Sat 23rd May – Sun 7th June.

SustFest19 had many excellent and well-attended events (talks and discussions, activities, lunches, repair fairs) organised by the District’s churches and faith groups, and it’s a good opportunity for engaging a wider community, so we hope you will participate next year. The deadline for registering events for SustFest20 is likely to be in mid-January, to enable events to be included in the festival programme. There will soon be a festival newsletter giving the details for SustFest2020 which you can sign up to receive.

There is an event for anyone interested in organising an event for it to get ideas/ collaborate. The Eventbrite link to book a place for the Creative Collaboration Event on Tues 26th November is

For more information on Sustainable St Albans see their website or contact

Anglican Diocese of St Albans

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