We had a good session praying for Afghanistan with nearly 30 people involved, despite the short notice!
Here are some ways we can continue to help:
- Keep praying!
- Contact our local voluntary group Herts Welcomes Refugees (HWR)is coordinating efforts to support refugees locally. They are seeking in particular: voters to encourage our local councilors to support refugees; rental accommodation for families; mobile phones and donations. Details are at https://www.hwsf.org.uk/get-involved.html.
- Donate at https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/finalCharityHomepage.action?charityId=1016803 Please mark your donation Afghan Appeal.
- Donate a mobile phone and SIM card. One of the priority emerging needs are good phones that are wiped clean and have SIM cards with at least £20 credit, that can be easily topped up. Many have arrived without phones which means they cannot communicate with their families and others. Please let HWR know if you can provide and deliver one to them.
- Help find accommodation. Councils such as St Albans struggle to find accommodation. If you know of any houses that can be rented to refugees, please contact HWR and they can put you in touch with the appropriate person in your local council.
- Contact your councillor. Here is a link to a list of St Albans councillors: https://www.stalbans.gov.uk/councillors-mayoralty-and-town-twinning
- Contact MP Daisy Cooper whose contact page is here
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