Join Christians for a relaxed but prayerful walk around St Albans We will follow our usual walk and pray and hear a reading at each church. Itinerary: 2.00pm SS Alban & Stephen RC Church, Beaconsfield Rd 2.05pm Trinity URC 2.15pm Marlborough Rd Methodist Church 2.30pm The Salvation Army 3.00pm St Peter's Church 3.30pm Dagnall Street Baptist Church 4.15pm St Michael's Church 4.30pm Short break in Verulamium Park 5.30pm St Alban’s Cathedral - the Shrine of St Alban 6.00 pm Choral Evensong (optional) Download the poster here: Prayer_Walk_Poster_2022_A4
Find out more »Join with Christians from other churches to pray for St Albans. We hope you will be able to join with us, as we come together to seek the Lord and to pray. “These I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer”. Isaiah 56:7. Join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 826 2018 4829 Passcode: 525647 Prayer for St Albans will be on the second Friday of every second month, excepting August…
Find out more »Live Simply Survive the Winter, Save the Planet Change to Zoom Details The energy and cost of living crisis is forcing us to live radically different this winter. Hopefully it will help to kick us into a gear that we can sustain, for the sake of the planet and all our futures. Probably more important even than solar panels and electric cars is the challenge to just live more simply. With energy at a premium this could effect the availability…
Find out more »What does it mean? To you, your family & others? • A greener, sustainable life Protecting our fragile earth Creating a better world for our children & theirs • Making it possible Defining practical steps as a parish to tackle the big issues such as energy use, climate change Making it work for all of us: our families and our wider community Make it happen by coming to a A CAFOD Live Simply Forum When: Sat. 19 Nov, 11 a.m.…
Find out more »Christmas Gifts, Handmade Cards, Homemade Cakes and Jams Bric-a-Brac, Books, Bottles, Jars Need a table? book your table now
Find out more »The Maltings Come and sing with the Salvation Army
Find out more »Come and support the Salvation Army band! The Clock Tower
Find out more »Seeking Asylum in St Albans Depictions of Home, Hospitality and Hope through the Eyes of St Albans’ Asylum Seekers, from Saturday 4 February to Sunday 26 February in the north transept, St Albans Cathedral This is a reflective and ambitious interactive exhibition, made in collaboration with St Albans’ asylum seekers. Embark on a striking journey in their lives, experiences and hopes for the future as you explore a varied array of artworks, writings and music used as a storytelling…
Find out more »Thinking Lunch at Marlborough Road Methodist Church Thursday 2nd March 2023 Physics and Faith – Uncertainty and Meaning: Quantum physics is weird but it isn’t mad. Understanding it and what it means for all of us Peter Berners-Lee, Convener, CTSA From 12.30pm to 1.30pm. Please bring your own lunch and drinks. Half an hour talk and then discussion. Donations will be gratefully received to cover expenses and any profits to the Salvation Army at Peter's request.
Find out more »A Spectrum of Sound A concert for Christian Aid Free entry - all monies collected go to Christian aid
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