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Called to Hope

March 27 @ 6:00 pm - March 30 @ 6:00 pm

“In a divided and war-weary world we need to hear again the call to hope.
Hope is the key for unlocking a positive future.“
Bishop Trevor Williams, Corrymeela Community
Focolare Centre for Unity
69 Parkway, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6JG
Thursday 27th March – Sunday 30th March 2025
(arrival Thursday evening, departure Sunday after lunch)

As Christians together from various churches we will celebrate the hope that already unites us and explore ways of sharing it with those around us.

The programme includes time for prayer and reflection, listening and dialogue.
•One of our guest speakers will be the Anglican Bishop Trevor Williams, who is part of the Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland.
•We will hear news and life-stories from Christians in different parts of the world.
• There will be opportunities to visit local churches and pray in St Albans Abbey.

The Focolare Centre for Unity offers accommodation in twin rooms and a limited number of single rooms.
•The total cost for full board and accommodation in twin rooms will be £340 per person.
•The total cost for full board and accommodation in single rooms will be £385 per person.
•Other package options, for those arranging their own accommodation, are available on the booking form.

The inspiration for this gathering comes from the ecumenical significance of the year 2025, when we will all celebrate Easter on the same day, and remember the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which gave us the creed that most Christians still use today.

Link for the booking form: https://forms.office.com/r/13fjCpgxwG
For further information email: calledtohope@focolare.org.uk


March 27 @ 6:00 pm
March 30 @ 6:00 pm


Foculare Cenre for Unity
69 Parkway
Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6JG United Kingdom
+ Google Map